You’ve invested $20, $50, $100, or more in jewelry. Keep your necklaces, bracelets and earrings looking new. Preserve your bling, and store jewelry the proper way. In this new, #PreserveYourBling blog series, you’ll learn jewelry storage options and preservation tips. When you store jewelry properly, you protect your investment.

Store Jewelry in Ziplock Bags

[caption id="attachment_2711" align="aligncenter" width="900"]Learn how to store jewelry like gold and silver in plastic zip lock bags. Store jewelry like gold and silver in plastic zip lock bags.[/caption] Ziplock bags are an inexpensive and convenient option for storing jewelry. You probably already have ziplock bags in your kitchen. Store large and heavy necklaces in large zip lock freezer bags. They are thicker and more durable. Use small zip lock bags and sandwich bags to store jewelry like earrings and bracelets.

Plastic Bags Designed to Store Jewelry

Find plastic bags specifically designed to store jewelry on the craft aisle at Walmart. Check out your local craft stores like Joann’s, Michaels and Hobby Lobby. You’ll find storage bags there too. The bags are available in multiple sizes in quantities of 100 per bag for $2 or $3 per bag. I’m excited to kick off my new #PreserveYourBling blog and social media campaign. I hope encourage you to take steps to protect your jewelry and give it a longer life.